30 March 2008


Second post in one night to share this marital compromise. The health-nut wanted cereal and I, ice cream. So he made a "creamy-crunchy". Very good...a must try!

2.5 scoops Hudsonville Creamy-Lite Vanilla
1 tbsp. artfully drizzled Mrs. Richardon's Carmel
1 hefty toss of Aldi-brand Raisin Bran


Jonathan Kelly clark said...

If you like that try....vanilla ice cream, crunched up corn flakes, some cinnamon sprinkled on top and then drizzle some honey. My sister in law brings this a lot for a dessert and everyone loves us. Kinda like mexican fried ice cream?

Anonymous said...

well, vanilla ice cream with chocolate/carmel on top is just.....delicious:)

Bemily said...

I think that Ben and I will have to try this! It looks amazing! Thanks for the treat idea!